Bollywood star Salman Khan went out of his way and gifted a branded bag worth Rs.250,000 to his “Main Aurr Mrs. Khanna” co-star Kareena Kapoor.
Kareena and Salman went shopping together in Australia while they were shooting for the film and the young actress fell for a Dolce and Gabbana handbag.
“Kareena would usually land up shopping in the evenings after the shoot in Australia. She would go alone. But on one occasion, Salman accompanied her too,” said a unit source.
“She instantly liked a Dolce and Gabbana bag, stepped in and bought it. When she was about to pay the storekeeper refused to take the money saying it had already been paid for.
Kareena stood zapped and wondered who could be that generous soul. It was only later that she got to know that it was Salman who had paid,” the source added.
The two actors’ plays main leads in Prem Soni’s directorial debut “Main Aurr Mrs.Khanna”. Sohail Khan, who has co-produced the movie with UTV SpotBoy Pictures, is also starring in it. The film is scheduled for release Oct 16.
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