Deepika Padukone has replaced Asin in Ashutosh Gowarikar's Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey starring Abhishek Bachchan. Asin walked out of the film earlier this week citing date problems. "After Asin walked out of the film citing date issues, Ashutosh considered Genelia D'Souza, Sonam Kapoor and Deepika Padukone. But it was Deepika who landed the role," a source told Mumbai Mirror.
Sunita Gowarikar confirmed the news. "Yes. Deepika is on. We are really looking forward to working with her."There are rumors that Asin opted out of the film because she didn't feel her role was substantial.
Deepika is currently filming for Sajid Khan's Housefull with co-star Akshay Kumar. Last month she signed up for Pradeep Sarkar helmed Yash Raj Production with co-star Neil Nitin Mukesh. The film is a gritty romance set on the streets of Mumbai.
The period drama, Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey, is a screen adaption of journalist Manini Chatterjee's book Do and Die that focuses on the Chittagong uprising and the role of the young revolutionaries from Chittagong District, now in Bangladesh, in the freedom struggle of India. Abhishek, 33, will play the daring Surjya Sen (fondly called Masterda) who led the Chittagong Uprising.
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