Bipasha Basu's first Bengali film, Sob Choritro Kalponik, released last week to a good response from critics. However, what prompted Bips to do a Bengali film with acclaimed director Rituparno Ghosh was not a desire for critical acclaim. She says she was often asked by people of her home state when they would get to see her in a Bengali film.
"My parents always wanted to see me in a Bengali film. It was because of them that I did the film. I wanted them to feel proud of the fact that I could do a Bengali film," says the actress.Talking about her first meeting with Rituparno, Bips says: "We actually met the first time for a film called Draupadi which has not materialised yet.
I met Rituparno many times over the years and we talked about a lot of films but could never choose that one film we could work together on." But now that the film has released, the actress has definitely made her parents proud. They have been getting messages of praise from Bengali cinema fans across the country. And they are happy to see their daughter getting noticed by the Bengali audience.Bipasha, interestingly, has not been seen talking much about her Bengali film and is keener to promote Pankh - a film which has already created news.
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